Greetings to the Northern Lights Lacemakers!
This coming Sunday is our regular lace group get together.
Sunday, January 29, 2012
St. Peter's Anglican Church
755 Elm Street at Grant Ave, Winnipeg
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Parking is along the west side of the building. Hope to see you there! If you want to drop by for a shorter time, Mary puts the kettle on for tea around 3:00 pm. Dainties are welcome, optional.
Annual Dues: Mary will be collecting the $20 annual fee starting this month. This covers insurance so our group can continue to meet at St. Peter’s once a month. We were also able to cover the Lace Day 2011 event fees and some money went into the bank account to help with the Fall Retreat last year. Thanks in advance, we have certainly been fortunate to have such a wonderful place to meet!
Lace Day? We should discuss if we want to have a Lace Day in June this year. We need to have enough people who are interested and available to roll up their sleeves in order to make it a fun and successful event! We had lots of positive feedback last year… Let’s do a survey this month, either at the meeting or email:
I.O.L.I. Convention 2012 in St. Paul, Minnesota August 5 – 11. See host website (Minnesota Lace Society) for updated info. More info will be posted as details are finalized.
Check the I.O.L.I. website for membership info, annual fee is $30 US. Membership is encouraged for 2012 if you want to take classes at the convention, as members get priority and classes fill up quickly. Also, check your passport expiry date.
New Spanish magazine: (has English & Spanish text). Website: They are also on Facebook: Search is Vuelta y Cruz (Twist and Cross) and the Blog link is: The company sent an email in Nov. through our listing in the Canadian Lace Gazette, announcing their new endeavour.
Check out our Blog (web log):
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