Greetings to the Northern Lights Lacemakers!
This coming Sunday is our regular lace group get together.
Sunday, April 29, 2012
St. Peter's Anglican Church
755 Elm Street at Grant Ave, Winnipeg
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Parking is along the west side of the building. Hope to see you there! If you want to drop by for a shorter time, Mary puts the kettle on for tea around 3:00 pm. Dainties are welcome, optional.
LaceDay Coming soon! June 2, 2012 St. Peter’s Anglican Church, Grant Ave / Elm St. Winnipeg. Bring any items you wish to donate for the “brown bag” auction table or a larger item for the Silent Auction. We are collecting on Sunday. Posters (8.5 x 11) and invitations (4/page) can be picked up at the meeting, to be posted/distributed in May, or take some blank sheets home & print your own using the computer files. Sign up on the location sheet so we can cover the list!
Folklorama Dates are August 12 to 18 (Week 2) Sunday to Saturday. We have been invited by the Belgian Pavilion to demonstrate bobbin lacemaking! Email if you wish to participate, with the dates that suit your schedule. Bring a small portable table or bolster stand to work on. Mary, Iona and Brenda have replied so far. One or two people per shift would be lovely. Share the time with another lacemaker or bring a friend along! This is a fun event, and quite informal. The schedule will be sent out to those participating, with any updates. Email: Display 2012? We could bring some of our own samples when we do our shift. There are long tables & tablecloths available on site. The Belgian Pavilion has lace souvenir items for sale upstairs in the same area, butterfly hair clips, etc.
Tatting Patterns Here’s a link to Jane Eborall, who has 50 years of tatting experience! [Thanks Rose Anne]
Lace and embroidery on Pascal Jaouen’s site in Brittany, France
July 2012 Lace Congress in Caen, France tour details, a nice variety of tourist sites.
Our Blog (web log): Over 2,400 hits! Subscribe to the ‘email update notice’ option so you know when new info is posted. Monica is posting regularly. There are over thirty lace groups listed by the Canadian Lacemaker Gazette. BC 8, AB 2, SK 1, MB 2, ON 12, QC 3, NB 1, NS 1, NL 1. Four groups have websites. It looks like we are the first and only group in Canada (so far) with an online blog. Thank you Monica!