This coming Sunday is our regular lace group get together.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
St. Peter's Anglican Church
755 Elm Street at Grant Ave, Winnipeg
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Parking is along the west side of the building. Hope to see you there! If you want to drop by for a shorter time, Mary puts the kettle on for tea around 3:00 pm. Dainties are welcome, optional.
Annual Fees Paid (Jan/Feb): Thank You!! Jacqui, Mary, Michelle, Rose Anne, Monica, Jocelyn, Bev, Maija, Iona, Elfriede, Donna, Shirley B, Jen L, Rise, Ewa.
Lace Day Coming soon…June 2, 2012 at St. Peter’s Anglican Church. Bring any items you wish to donate for the brown bag auction table. We are collecting items over the next three meetings. Posters and invitations will follow at the April meeting, to be posted in May.
Folklorama Dates are August 12 to 18 (Week 2) Sunday to Saturday. We have been invited by the Belgian Pavilion to demonstrate bobbin lacemaking during the week. Email if you wish to participate, with the dates that suit your schedule. Bring a small portable table or bolster stand to work on. So far, Mary, Iona and Brenda have replied. One or two per shift would be lovely. This is a fun event, and quite informal. Email:
LIBRARY: New! A donation of eighteen I.O.L.I. magazines from Bev D are now available from the library, issues are between Fall 1999 and Spring 2010. Many thanks!!
We received a box of Canadian Lacemaker Gazettes when our group came into existence in 2007. Here’s what we have: A box of 28 back issues (Fall 2000 to Summer 2007) They may give us a bargain price for another batch? They only release back issues, since they can sell the more recent ones at regular price. Example: volumes 15 to 18 (2000 – 2003) are now available for $10/set of four. We have those issues already.
They are suggesting we could pay $30 group fee to receive the magazine for the library, sent to the Librarian. We should discuss if this is an option we should pursue. Some are receiving their own copies. Also, we may want to request Fall 2007 to the present (5 years). We do get an occasional free issue due to reports sent in. Add your name and location to the World Map of Lace Makers.
Our Blog Link (web log):