Wednesday, March 21, 2012

March 2012 Newsletter

Click here for a printable version of this newsletter.

Greetings to the Northern Lights Lacemakers!
This coming Sunday is our regular lace group get together.
Sunday, March 25, 2012
St. Peter's Anglican Church
755 Elm Street at Grant Ave, Winnipeg
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Parking is along the west side of the building.  Hope to see you there!  If you want to drop by for a shorter time, Mary puts the kettle on for tea around 3:00 pm.  Dainties are welcome, optional.

Annual Fees Paid (Jan/Feb): Thank You!! Jacqui, Mary, Michelle, Rose Anne, Monica, Jocelyn, Bev, Maija, Iona, Elfriede, Donna, Shirley B, Jen L, Rise, Ewa.

Lace Day Coming soon…June 2, 2012 at St. Peter’s Anglican Church.  Bring any items you wish to donate for the brown bag auction table.  We are collecting items over the next three meetings.  Posters and invitations will follow at the April meeting, to be posted in May.

Folklorama Dates are August 12 to 18 (Week 2) Sunday to Saturday.  We have been invited by the Belgian Pavilion to demonstrate bobbin lacemaking during the week.  Email if you wish to participate, with the dates that suit your schedule.  Bring a small portable table or bolster stand to work on.  So far, Mary, Iona and Brenda have replied.  One or two per shift would be lovely.  This is a fun event, and quite informal.  Email:

LIBRARY: New!  A donation of eighteen I.O.L.I. magazines from Bev D are now available from the library, issues are between Fall 1999 and Spring 2010.  Many thanks!!
We received a box of Canadian Lacemaker Gazettes when our group came into existence in 2007.  Here’s what we have: A box of 28 back issues (Fall 2000 to Summer 2007) They may give us a bargain price for another batch? They only release back issues, since they can sell the more recent ones at regular price.  Example: volumes 15 to 18 (2000 – 2003) are now available for $10/set of four.  We have those issues already.
They are suggesting we could pay $30 group fee to receive the magazine for the library, sent to the Librarian.  We should discuss if this is an option we should pursue.  Some are receiving their own copies.  Also, we may want to request Fall 2007 to the present (5 years).  We do get an occasional free issue due to reports sent in. Add your name and location to the World Map of Lace Makers.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Ottawa Lacemakers Invite You to Their 24th Lace Day (March 25, 2012)

The Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers is holding its 24th  annual Lace Day at the RA Center, Clark
Room, 2451 Riverside Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, on March 25th 2012 from noon to 4 pm.  Entrance
fee is $3.00 for adults and free for children under 12. 

Guild members will display some of their work, and experienced lacemakers will be on hand to identify heirloom and antique lace.  Vendors from Canada and the US will sell merchandise for bobbin lace, tatting and needle lace enthusiasts.  Lacemakers will also demonstrate the techniques of bobbin lacemaking.  This family event will be a great opportunity to learn this art of lacemaking as children and adults will be able to try their hand at the art of bobbin lace.

Every year the Guild challenges its members to create something according to a defined theme. This year’s theme is masks.  You will be able to view this exhibition along with other lace articles done by members of the guild.  Visitors will be able to vote on the mask competition

There will also be an exhibition of  lace apples.  This exhibit will be set up at the Canadian Booth at the 15th OIDFA World Lace Congress in France in July 2012.  .

The Ottawa Guild of Lacemakers, comprised of lacemakers from the Ottawa and surrounding areas including the Outaouais is a non profit organization whose purpose is to promote the art of bobbin lace and other types of lacemaking.  While we are interested in all forms of lace, our main concentration is on bobbin lace. The Guild promotes the exchange of ideas and techniques  among its members, offers workshops by local and foreign teachers, and maintains a small library. The Guild meets on the second Thursday of the month at 7 p.m and on the third Saturday for a day of lacemaking.

For further information, contact G. Thibeault,

Friday, March 2, 2012

February 2012 Newsletter

Click here for a printable version of the newsletter.

Greetings to the Northern Lights Lacemakers!
This coming Sunday is our regular lace group get together.
Sunday, March 4­, 2012
St. Peter's Anglican Church
755 Elm Street at Grant Ave, Winnipeg
Time: 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm

Parking is along the west side of the building.  Hope to see you there!  If you want to drop by for a shorter time, Mary puts the kettle on for tea around 3:00 pm.  Dainties are welcome, optional.

Paid in January: Jacqui, Mary, Michelle, Rose Anne, Monica, Jocelyn, Bev, Maija, Iona, Elfriede, Donna, Shirley B, Jen L.

Lace Day   Mary has booked the first Saturday in June for the Third Annual Lace Day!  Date is June 2, 2012.  We will set up Saturday morning, then open the doors to the public for 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm.  Should be fun!  We have a few months to organize and finalize details.  Items for sale have been popular with visitors.  We will start collecting items for the draw table at the end of March meeting.

Winnipeg Public Library has a number of bobbin lace books and tatting books listed, including images of the book covers.  Check those out if you have some reading time…

Annual Group Update: There are presently 47 people on our group listing!  This is very exciting to find more people interested in lace.  Please let me know if you no longer wish to be on our email group list and get monthly updates.  Otherwise you will continue to receive our news automatically.  Email:

I.O.L.I. Convention 2012 in St. Paul, Minnesota August 5 – 11.  See website below for updated info, including class list and tours.  Registration opened Feb.1.
The membership application has been added to the registration form, annual fee is $30 US.  Membership is encouraged for 2012 if you want to take classes at the convention, as members get priority and classes fill up quickly. 

Reminders: Check your passport expiry date, and credit card expiry date(s).  Vendors will gladly accept U.S. cash.  Blue Cross is advisable if you are travelling to the states.  So far, eight people are registered!
This month’s Image link: